Cottages with 2 bedrooms (4 adults) and 1 bedroom(2 adults) Camp Nishani | Hill-view Cottages is a great option for travellers looking out for homestay in Coorg. It is located in Bhagamandala.This Homestay stands out as one of the highly recommended homestay in Coorg and is recommended by 100% of our guests. Homestay is rated 4.4 out of 5, which is considered as very good. From all the 3 Star hotels in Coorg, Camp Nishani | Hill-view Cottages is very much popular among the tourists. A smooth check-in/check-out process, flexible policies and friendly management garner great customer satisfaction for this property. The Homestay has standard Check-In time as 12:00 PM and Check-Out time as 12:00 PM. What our guests think With an overall rating of 4.4 out of 5 (5 Ratings), the property is rated very good by 160% of the guests, 180% have rated it good, 20% have rated it average. Also, we recommend that guests must go through traveller reviews and ratings posted by fellow travellers on the Goibibo platform to ensure that Camp Nishani | Hill-view Cottages is best suited for them. For more detailed information about this homestay, you can check the Questions & Answers section as well on Goibibo. There you can find the answers of the questions asked by some of our users about this property. Safety And Hygiene is the top priority for the Camp Nishani | Hill-view Cottages with score 94%. You can find numerous hotels in Coorg under different categories and Camp Nishani | Hill-view Cottages is one the best hotel under its category.
Check In | 12:00 pm |
Check Out | 10:00 am |
Hotel Policies |
RestrictionsGuests below 18 years of age are not allowed at the property.
Passport, Aadhar, Driving License and Govt. ID are accepted as ID proof(s)
Pets are not allowed.
Guest ProfileUnmarried couples allowed
Guests below 18 years of age are not allowed at the property.
ID Proof RelatedPassport, Aadhar, Driving License and Govt. ID are accepted as ID proof(s)
Local ids are allowed
Smoking/Alcohol consumption RulesSmoking within the premises is allowed
Alcohol consumption is not allowed within the property premises.
Pet(s) RelatedPets are not allowed.
There are no pets living on the property
Property AccessibilityThis property is not accessible to guests who use a wheelchair. Please make arrangements accordingly.
Finding keys to the propertyHost Greets You & Helps You Check-in
Self check-in via Smart Door is not available
Other RulesAllows private parties or events
Guests are requested not to invite outside visitors in the room during their stay.